Tech should support you – not the other way around.
Social media posting. Content posting. Updating contact forms. Keeping track of your current client list versus the potential client list versus the never gonna happen list. The everyone-said-it-would-be-so-simple update to the website.
All these little things that added up and turned this thing you loved into harder and harder work. Some days it’s enough to make you clap shut your laptop or throw your keyboard and just go do something (anything) else.
You’re stressed by the amount there is to constantly update and remember – but also by the thought of having to teach and onboard someone new. Having to download everything you’ve been juggling without letting anything fall. Even with the team you have, there are more and more moving pieces every day, demanding clear communication to hold off the growing fear that something big is going to fall through the cracks.
What if there was another way?
Hi, there! My name is
Kimberly Otwaska-Butts
Tech Wizard & Organizer Extraordinaire
I've spent my career diving into complicated messes to make things easier through a mix of decluttering, simplifying, and bending technology to my will.*
Now I work with business owners ready to change their relationship with technology. Ready to make sure technology does all it can to support their business without it getting in the way.

- Every bit of technology, every system or service, was something actively supporting your business?
- You could minimize the tasks triggering dread and massive amounts of procrastination?
- Technology stopped being a burden and helped grow your business?
- You could reclaim your time for the meaningful work you first set out to provide?
- You could tailor your current setup to your business – or be able to confidently decide on investing in an upgrade?
- Your team was able to focus on bigger goals and meaningful interactions?